Everyone is always seeking the truth. If they can find it, they’ll know what emotional reactions are appropriate and which are not. They’ll know if they’re getting scammed or if they’re truly getting that once in a lifetime deal. Or they’ll know whether to take an ex back or not. If taken deeper, then people can know the truth of human behavior, of how the world was created, and what the afterlife promises. The inner functionings of the cosmo will be at their very fingertips and they’ll know better than anyone else.
Yes, the pursuit of truth is indeed important. It’s a mountain to scale, knowledge pouring into your being with every step taken. It fills your brain and powers your pondering. The promise of knowing the universe’s most well kept secrets has an undeniable pull. Years can be spent climbing, climbing, climbing…Philosophies will build upon themselves, twisting into beings you never could have fathomed months before. Explaining the nature of every situation you find yourself in, spiritual or other. You may even find yourself growing more empathetic as you come to know so many sides of the same story.
I consider myself a Truth Seeker. I’m on that tall mountainside, waiting for the day I ascend to the top and scream down into the valleys, exhilaration pumping in my blood and a thrill pounding in my heart. I’ll reach my hands up into the Heavens, celebrating my rise to the clouds and I’ll know the truth of everything that can possibly be known.
But I’m not at the top yet.
And yet, I’ve still learned exactly what I’ll find at the top. It’s no mystery to me. I know what awaits.
You see, I’ve come across some sentiments that are impossible to ignore. One is the Truth of Perception.
Perception is a finicky thing. Each being sees events through their own eyes and lives. It’s a filter that can never be taken off. And everything that they pay witness to, they believe in. This is what causes strife. One person perceives an argument as their partner’s fault. The other person perceives the same. Both fully believe in the stories they tell. Now, one might say that the truth resides somewhere in the middle. That taking half of one reality and half of another will reveal the True Reality. Yet, both people did not pay witness to this True Reality. They have only participated in their version of events and have come to see that as their truth.
I used to believe that the truth was a mashup of such perceivings, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how impossible that sounds. This True Reality never took place on the Earth. It’s a musing about how two people’s beliefs come together. Both people involved in the situation paid witness to their own realities, which is their truth. Therefore, there is no truth to uncover. Both people are being truthful. Both people are experiencing the Truth.
I found that every single being’s perception is their own truth. And I asked myself, who am I to deny their realities? And would I be tolerant of someone denying me my own reality? To tell me I have not experienced the true Truth?
This means that everything stated, believed in, and participated in, is Truth, whether we want to accept it or not. If I say my sky is blue, then my sky is blue. If someone waddles along, playing a harmonica, and points to the sky saying it’s a pink harmonica and believing to be so, then that is Truth. No matter how crazy the truth sounds, if it’s someone’s true reality, then it’s the Truth. Therefore, there’s truth in absolutely everything.
After learning this, my climb up the mountain did not slow. For you see, I needed to find my own perception of truth. Surely there’s a reality with more evidence to back it than other realities. Surely I can still find the more realistic realities. After all, I am a Truth Seeker and my soul yearns for such adventures.
Yet the longer I thought about such strange musings, the more a new thought form emerged. For you see, there’s an inherent contradiction in what I believe. If everything is Truth, then how can there exist such a thing as Truth? In a world absent of lies, what use is there of the term Truth?
Well…that must mean nothing is True.
Such a thing cannot exist if there is no one perception of truth. The term is useless.
And yet, that in itself is a truth, isn’t it? It’s true to say nothing is true, right?
I came to the enlightened conclusion that once I reach the top of the mountain, there’ll be nothing waiting for me except the journey back down. At the top there is only one realization to be had.
The truth is there is no truth.
Truth is in everything, and so it is in nothing. After such a wearying travel where I’ll have pushed my mind to the limit and my spirit to its breaking point, I’ll be met with the harshest of realities. My endeavors are fated to result in the outcome I already know to exist.
And yet, I cannot stop climbing. I’m addicted, each new factoid akin to a sugar rush, because somewhere in my being, a denial still lingers. How can such an outcome be the only thing to come of such a long and arduous journey? I know I need to keep hiking to come across that boring mountain peak for myself. I know what I’ll find, yet I can’t stop trying anyway.
Perhaps it is the folly of youth.
And such are my musings on Truth and what it entails. I’m certain as I grow older, I’ll come across information I couldn’t have possibly believed to have existed. I’m also sure I’ll know in my gut that it matters not.
Perception is a finicky thing. Maybe what everyone is seeking isn’t the truth, but rather a validation in knowing their perception is indeed the highest form of truth.